Managing Editor
thanks to the editors and reviewers who have worked hard, the authors as many as 8 authors from 2 countries, Indonesia and USA.
Indonesia: Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika, STMIK Antar Bangsa, International Enterprise Integration Association, Yayasan Dermawan Cendikiawan Bersatu, Universitas Nusa Cendana
USA: University of Houston,
all articles have been screened by email by reviewers and editors.
This issue has been available online since Sep 2021. All articles in this issue were authored/co-authored by 13 authors from 6 countries (Italy, United States, Tajikistan, Indonesia, and China).
The International Journal of Enterprise Modelling serves as a venue for anyone interested in business and management modelling. It investigates the conceptual forerunners and theoretical underpinnings that lead to research modelling procedures that inform research and practice.
This issue has been available online since May 2023. All articles in this issue were authored/co-authored by 10 authors from 5 countries (Madagascar, Malawi, Uganda, Liberia, and Tajikistan).
This issue has been available online since May 2022. All articles in this issue were authored/co-authored by 12 authors from 6 countries (Netherland, Türkiye, United States, United Kingdom, Indonesia, and Spain).
The International Journal of Enterprise Modelling serves as a venue for anyone interested in business and management modelling. It investigates the conceptual forerunners and theoretical underpinnings that lead to research modelling procedures that inform research and practice.
The International Journal of Enterprise Modelling serves as a venue for anyone interested in business and management modelling. It investigates the conceptual forerunners and theoretical underpinnings that lead to research modelling procedures that inform research and practice.
This issue has been available online since January 2023. All articles in this issue were authored/co-authored by 14 authors from 5 countries (Timor-Leste, Indonesia, Brasil, Bolivia, and Colombia).
The International Journal of Enterprise Modelling serves as a venue for anyone interested in business and management modelling. It investigates the conceptual forerunners and theoretical underpinnings that lead to research modelling procedures that inform research and practice.
The International Journal of Enterprise Modelling serves as a venue for anyone interested in business and management modelling. It investigates the conceptual forerunners and theoretical underpinnings that lead to research modelling procedures that inform research and practice.
The International Journal of Enterprise Modelling serves as a venue for anyone interested in business and management modelling. It investigates the conceptual forerunners and theoretical underpinnings that lead to research modelling procedures that inform research and practice.
This issue has been available online since January 2022. All articles in this issue were authored/co-authored by 18 authors from 7 countries (Portugal, Russia, Vietnam, United States, Tajikistan, Indonesia, and China).
The International Journal of Enterprise Modelling serves as a venue for anyone interested in business and management modelling. It investigates the conceptual forerunners and theoretical underpinnings that lead to research modelling procedures that inform research and practice.
This issue has been available online since May 2023. All articles in this issue were authored/co-authored by 10 authors from 5 countries (Madagascar, Malawi, Uganda, Liberia, and Tajikistan).
Thanks to the editors and reviewers who have worked hard, the authors as many as 8 authors from 2 countries, Indonesia and USA.
Indonesia: Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika, STMIK Antar Bangsa, International Enterprise Integration Association, Yayasan Dermawan Cendikiawan Bersatu, Universitas Nusa Cendana
USA: University of Houston,
all articles have been screened by email by reviewers and editors.
This issue has been available online since September 2022. All articles in this issue were authored/co-authored by 13 authors from 7 countries (Switzerland, Romania, Denmark, Poland, China, Indonesia, and Netherlands).
The International Journal of Enterprise Modelling serves as a venue for anyone interested in business and management modelling. It investigates the conceptual forerunners and theoretical underpinnings that lead to research modelling procedures that inform research and practice.
The International Journal of Enterprise Modelling serves as a venue for anyone interested in business and management modelling. It investigates the conceptual forerunners and theoretical underpinnings that lead to research modelling procedures that inform research and practice.
International Journal of Enterprise ModellingThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Address:
Jl. Raya Abepura, Wahno, Kec. Abepura, Kota Jayapura, Papua 199926, Indonesia Visitor Statistics |
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Disclaimer: Articles on International Journal of Enterprise Modelling have been previewed and authenticated by the Authors before sending for publication. The Journal, Chief Editor, and the editorial board are not entitled or liable to either justify or responsible for inaccurate and misleading data if any. It is the sole responsibility of the Author concerned.
International Enterprise Integration Association. Email: editorialieia@gmail.com